VOG Network
Anime Jam Session is now a part of the VOG Network. Catch our show, Tuesdays at 9:30PM EST on twitch.tv at twitch.tv/animejamsession!
What does that mean?
It means that we are a part of an independent podcasting group that celebrates all walks of geek life. Here’s a few of those podcasts that are a apart of VOG that we support and vice versa.
- Orange Lounge Radio: www.orangeloungeradio.com
- PodCulture: www.podculture.net
- Electric Sista Hood: www.electricsistahood.com
Also check out a few non-VOG Network affiliated shows that we also support:
- Zero Hour: http://scarlet-rhapsody.com/?page_id=62
Plus they were kind enough to give us forums to hang out on. We ask that you behave and follow their rules. That’s it! ^^
Official Anime Jam Session forums, powered by the VOG Network.
And we are on Discord, so join us there!: http://VOGnetwork.com/discord