We have Pokémon updates, new game app and illustration contest! Also, former employees sue Good Smile Company (ENGLISH) in a cross complaint, and ufotable founder admits to evading taxes! Plus, three new Mobile Suit Gundam projects, Spirited Away returns to theaters, and Yu-Gi-Oh! fans can now be Seto Kaiba with new briefcase and card set! Meanwhile in Japan, man yells at bear about why he’s being attacked, elementary school teacher gives horrible excuse on leaving his phone in the girls locker room, and drinkable whipped cream?!
Shenanicon 2024: A Fiery Fusion Dance of Old and New!
Shenanicon, had its inaugural 21+ anime convention in Parsippany, New Jersey– a brand new event for adults with a nostalgic spin!
Kogaracon 2024: Short and Sweet!
Kogaracon is a New Jersey Anime Convention which offers an Asian Food Fest and good quality panels. Cinnaknight talks about this short yet sweet day!
Castle Point Anime 2024: Your Princess Isn’t In This Castle, but Your Friends are!
Castle Point Anime Convention , a student run anime con in New Jersey, continues this year in the Meadowlands Convention Center! Cinnaknight covers this event and her experience, the pros and cons!
#515: The Ides of September.
Creamy Mami joins the Tokyo Idol Festival, Dragon Quest has it’s own chess set, and legendary mangaka Rumiko Takahashi explains the origin of Shampoo‘s name! Also, legendary j-rocker GACKT goes on indefinite hiatus, Studio 4C creates an anime ad for R&B artist Aaliyah to commemorate the 20th anniversary of her album, and an otaku cryptocurrency to produce isekai anime? Meanwhile in Japan, we get an update on what happened to Beat Takeshi (ビートたけし), a Guinness World Record goes to Motimaru the cat, and card buyers need to prove they’re real Pokémon fans to buy new expansion packs…
#513 – THE FALLOUT (More Broken than a Bethesda Game)
Fallout from Puchi Con, what happened with the COVID scare?! Also, live action Cowboy Bebop gets a prequel manga and live action One Piece new logo reveal and script teaser! Plus, latest Sailor Moon Musical streams the first and last shows globally, and actor Beat Takeshi (ビートたけし) assaulted! Meanwhile in Japan, a man fakes being Vietnamese in order to rob convenience store, another man attempts to rob store with lighter, a man pees in drink bottle of woman coworker because “he liked her”, and a Japanese convenience store’s love letter vending machine proves they really do sell everything…
#512: We Covered Our First Con Since the Pandemic… Puchi Con.
DJ Ranma S and Mako-chan discuss Puchi Con 2021, and you definitely don’t want to miss this! Also if time permits, live action Cowboy Bebop screenshots, and clap back from one of the actors! Convention updates from Wonder Festival and Jump Festa, and a manga company creates an LGBTQ sensitivity reader panel. Meanwhile in Japan, penis fencing takes over Japanese Twitter, man arrested for smearing poo on a backpack, and another man leaves a bag of red stained knives at a stranger’s house?!
#511: You Know What? I Don’t Know Either.
We pay homage to Fred Ladd, a pioneer in the anime industry and producer of Astro Boy. Also, Wizard World is no more, SaikouCon calls it quits, and Otakon‘s final numbers! Bleach one-shot leaves on a cliffhanger, and a new chapter of Berserk! Meanwhile in Japan… Goombas defeated at ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン / Universal Studios Japan (USJ), a man is arrested for throwing money at bento shop, and a mayor forfeits 3 months’ pay for biting athletes gold medal…