DJ Ranma S follows up with a DerpyCon addendum and Anime NYC‘s latest changes on panels. Also, a Love Live School Idol Project seiyuu steps down due to their health, celebrate 30 years of Sailor Moon with an LP, new Godzilla project in the works, Neon Genesis Evangelion: the stage play, and a new anime entertainment complex! Meanwhile in Japan… a bus driver flunked a breathalyzer due to bread, hot bottled drinking water, and the government says not all miso is miso?!
Shenanicon 2024: A Fiery Fusion Dance of Old and New!
Shenanicon, had its inaugural 21+ anime convention in Parsippany, New Jersey– a brand new event for adults with a nostalgic spin!
Kogaracon 2024: Short and Sweet!
Kogaracon is a New Jersey Anime Convention which offers an Asian Food Fest and good quality panels. Cinnaknight talks about this short yet sweet day!
Castle Point Anime 2024: Your Princess Isn’t In This Castle, but Your Friends are!
Castle Point Anime Convention , a student run anime con in New Jersey, continues this year in the Meadowlands Convention Center! Cinnaknight covers this event and her experience, the pros and cons!
#566: Derpycon 2022… When You Can’t Pull Your Punches…
It’s DerpyCon 2022! Join DJ Ranma S and Mako-chan and they tell you about their return visit to this con after a multi-year hiatus! Plus their BAND-MAID concert review!
#564: Going North! Another Anime Con 2022 Episode!
We’re talking Another Anime Convention (AAC) 2022! Join DJ Ranma S and Ari Rockefeller as they give a full review of their latest convention trip! Also if time persists, we have news about Hunter X Hunter, fans are going old school with Urusei Yatsura, and update on Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!, a skull found at ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン / Universal Studios Japan (USJ), and a car crashes in to Japan’s oldest restroom?!