Popeye: The Manga! Also, Chie Nakamura takes a break from Boruto, singer Kiro Akiyama is arrested for assault, and welcome the cast of LoveLive!: The Musical! Plus, Vic Mignogna petitions to have his court case reviewed, and the new anime Pole Princess! Meanwhile in Japan, city employee kills a boar on school grounds, youth suffer from constipation due to toilets, and Asahi gifts employees bonus money to eat out?
Shenanicon 2024: A Fiery Fusion Dance of Old and New!
Shenanicon, had its inaugural 21+ anime convention in Parsippany, New Jersey– a brand new event for adults with a nostalgic spin!
Kogaracon 2024: Short and Sweet!
Kogaracon is a New Jersey Anime Convention which offers an Asian Food Fest and good quality panels. Cinnaknight talks about this short yet sweet day!
Castle Point Anime 2024: Your Princess Isn’t In This Castle, but Your Friends are!
Castle Point Anime Convention , a student run anime con in New Jersey, continues this year in the Meadowlands Convention Center! Cinnaknight covers this event and her experience, the pros and cons!
Derpy Con 2022: Better Later Than Never?
Derpycon 2022 Took place in the New Brunswick New Jersey Hyatt Regency from Friday, October 28th until Sunday, October 30th. Before I begin the review, I do admit last year’s review was very lenient. After all, conventions (including Derpycon), were just returning after a two year shut down! Unfortunately, the shortcomings of 2021’s event were at the forefront this year.
As I often mention throughout my coverage, I review conventions to help not just attendees get a perspective of a con experience, but also provide feedback to show-runners and staff. At the same time, it’s also important to discuss points which can impact a con itself.
#569: If We Pardoned the Turkey, We’d Starve.
On tonight’s show, Ari Rockefeller brings us the Anime NYC wrapup! Also tonight, voices for Lupin III prequel revealed, we pay homage to JASON DAVID FRANK – Official Fan Page, and is there more Symphogear on the way?! Plus, a man arrested for threatening ComicMarket コミックマーケット, and Ranma ½ teams up with Felissimo International Limited! Meanwhile in Japan, Mandarake banned from selling adult items, a cop threatens a boar and to which it obeys, and Tsundere beer?
Another Anime Convention 2022—You Weren’t Using That Soul Anyway, or Worst. Con Swag. Ever.
The end of summer brings about a lot for people, such as the end of the beach/pool season, the lessening of daylight as the winter months approach, and for us at Anime Jam Session, our yearly sojourn up to New England for what is turning into one of our favorite anime conventions to go to.
#568: Our Con Season Is Really Over.
We pay tribute to Kevin Lillard, one of the pioneers in cosplay photography, along with Kevin Conroy, the animated voice Batman, a generation… Also, super group THE LAST ROCKSTARS announce tour, Ash Ketchum is finally a world champion, and a hand drawn Star Wars short by Studio Ghibli. Plus, AFRO Samurai manga hits the US as a director’s cut, and Goku is back in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Meanwhile in Japan, a town livestreams politician’s faces to make sure they’re not sleep and Daiso: The Trading Card Game?