Rave Master
This series is the reason I can not watch/read Fairy Tail at this time.
This series came out back in 2001 and was dubbed shortly after. They aired most, if not all 51 episodes on Cartoon Network and I was hooked. The manga is also super amazing, it’s 35 volumes. It’s a bit long, but well worth the read.
I must say, I got super excited though when I went to my local anime convention and saw Plue plushies being sold, I thought it was a new “Raveolution”, but when I looked at the tag it was a totally different series with the same characters (they only changed the names and hair colors). A biiit too much of a disappointment, so I gave up. I eventually will get over the extreme anger I have towards the artist, just not any time soon.
Anyway, Rave Master is a series that follows a boy named Haru. He sets off on a journey to become the next Rave Master and destroy the evil crime group called Demon Card (also called Shadow Guard in the anime). It’s a battle of the light versus the dark as Haru must collect the Rave Stones and destroy the Dark Brings. Haru, his “dog”, Plue, Elie, Musica and the rest of their friends scour the world to prevent the “Overdrive” from happening again.
This story also talks about the events of 50 years ago and talks about the previous Rave Master and his group. The Overdrive happened for the first time 50 years before the story took place. It destroyed a big chunk of the world. Haru now has to make sure that power doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
There are so many side stories thrown into this huge story. You meet Musica, he’s a silverclaimer (can control silver), Elie, a “normal” girl who lost her memories and just wants to know who she really is and you meet so many others whose stories get intertwined.
There are characters that I have heard appear in Fairy Tail, they have the Jiggle Butt Bandits, Griff, and others. I also heard there is a crossover episode featuring characters from both series, so I should get to know FT so I can at least appreciate the jokes/references made.
So, for the newer anime fans just learning about Fairy Tail, or the older fans who may have missed this gem of an anime, please do yourself a favor and check this out. I promise, you won’t want to miss this series.
I know you can watch some on Veoh, but you can buy the manga on amazon https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=rave+master. I own the first 2 DVDs, but I am not sure if boxsets were ever made for this series. Since I watched in as it aired on Cartoon Network, I never really watched it online.

Rave Master