This week, DJ Ranma S, Ari Rockefeller, and Avalon talk about FUNimation’s latest Cash Cow: Attack on Titan! Along with news of a second season of Space Dandy. More info is revealed about Sailor Moon as Gundam celebrated 35 great years. And we touch base on the FUNimation/Anime Haus lawsuit. And AKB48’s producer Sayaka Akimoto is picked to produce the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Ceremony! We then bring up our Open Forum Topic: When rooming with multiple people in a hotel room, shenanigans tend to happen. So, what has been the strangest, funniest, interesting, most outlandish thing that has happened to you when you walked in your room? And in News from Japan, Crimea’s new Attorney General is too cute for Japan, counterfeit coins for vending machines, a record high of stalkers in 2013, and 11 year old knocked off bike by older man?!
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