This week, Cosplay Correspondent Kayla of Avalon Cosplay joins us as Player 4 as she tells Mako-chan and Ari Rockefeller about SpringfestNY 2014! While she’s doing that, DJ Ranma S gets the grill ready for this one, yet again! Also on the roll, the hosts discuss issues with Attack on Titan dubbing and translation, images of Sailor Moon Crystal emerges, and does the hype of a popular series kill it for you? Also, AnimeNEXT brings us World Cosplay Summit 2015 Prelims to the tris-state area! And our Open Forum Topic- “If there were two conventions the same weekend, and one is closer to you that you’ve always attended, aside from financial issues, what reason would you not go?” And in News from Japan, someone arrested for burning Anne Frank books and stealing bikes, and one airliner brings back miniskirt stewardesses?
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