It’s time once more for another cosplayer interview! This next one, shared from Cosplay Blog with a Brain, is an interview with Teachama! She’s a lovely cosplayer from Ohio, who is pretty new to the scene!
What’s your cosplay alias and why did you choose it?
I go by Teachama. It’s a screen-name I use on a website that features avatars you can dress up. It’s pretty much where I first started cosplaying by dressing up this avatar with costumes I wished I could make. Eventually I stopped wishing and started doing.
How many years have you been cosplaying and what got you started?
Actively? About a year and a half, but I’ve been creating/putting together costumes for ages. My mom used to make my Halloween costumes as a kid and it just bled over to my adulthood after I was told I was too old to trick or treat anymore.
What has been some of your favorite things to work with when constructing costumes and why?
Well, craft foam and felt have been my go-to things. I used them a lot in the last couple things I’ve made. They take paint well, are easily cut/molded, and for what they were used for, it had the effect I needed.
What are you excited to be working with in the future and why?
I hope to truly learn how to sew and can piece together things better by myself, with less commissioning.
What are some of the traits you like to see in other costumes and who do you think does well in them?
For me size/gender doesn’t really play into whether a costume works, it’s the attention to detail and the attitude and character you put into showing off your work. Those are the best ones I think.
What is your view of the “cosplay scene”?
It can be super pretentious at times, but in the right crowd you can find some super talented, friendly people, who share love for your fandoms.
What are some of the things you want to see change in the scene?
People counting out plus-sized cosplayers. It happens a lot, especially with photographers. Talent is talent, no matter the size.
What is some advice you could give people starting to get into cosplay?
Try, experiment, have fun. Be who you want to be, however you can do it!
What are some of your favorite conventions you’ve attended and why?
I’ve been to three. Disliked NYCC, liked Otakon, loved AWA. NYCC was way to crowded and just bleh; too many people, not enough stuff. Otakon was another busy one and had that photographer issue I previously mentioned. But there was more to do and lots more fellowship among fellow cosplayers.
Give a random fact about one of your costumes that you’re proud of!
While sometimes I had little or no physical action on the outfit, my accessories I’ve felt immensely proud of as I’ve never really done things like that before. My most current and favorite is my Leela armband. Craft felt cut to appropriate size and shape and spray painted with grey and silver paint to make it hard and form it to my arm. LOVE how it turned out.
Thanks for the interview, Teachama! You can see more of her work on her Facebook!