It’s time once more for another cosplayer interview! This next one, shared from Cosplay Blog with a Brain, is an interview with Hyori! She’s a long-time cosplayer from Washington, who has a beautiful collection of cosplays!
What’s your cosplay alias and why did you choose it?
I started out with my cosplay alias as Hyori. I chose that as I was a big fan of Lee Hyori at the time and it was what I used for most of my internet screen names. Later, I think it was Bleach that came out with a character actually named Hyori, so it became harder to always get that screen name. But since most of my cosplay circle actually know my real name that seems to be what I’m called the most, haha!
How many years have you been cosplaying and what got you started?
I’ve been cosplaying since my second Sakura-con, which I think was 2001? Or 2002? It’s been a long time. I didn’t actually start doing real sewing till a few years later, and I still consider myself a novice as I only really work with fabric, not other materials. I think I just got started through a love of anime/manga and wanting to express that. It also makes conventions a lot more fun!
What has been some of your favorite things to work with when constructing costumes and why?
I have almost no experience with using any other kind of material but fabric for my costumes, mostly because I have to make most of them in a studio apartment with my two cats and boyfriend. No space for playing with awesome things!
What are you excited to be working with in the future and why?
I’m terrible with making future plans, as I really like working with groups for conventions and the plans always seem to be changing! Hopefully whatever I do in the future allows me to branch out my meager levels of expertise!
What are some of the traits you like to see in other costumes and who do you think does well in them?
I like to see accurate details and good seamstress skills. I’m not 100% thrilled about how it’s become so easy to buy costumes online. I think part of the fun of cosplaying is putting 100% into your costume. I’ve worn a couple of costumes I haven’t made myself and I don’t think I care about them as much as I do the ones that I’ve made personally. Also, many of the mass-produced costumes online seem to more poorly sewn. I hope that people that want to take cosplay seriously and actually call themselves a “cosplayer” want to take their craft more seriously than buying a shoddy costume.
What is your view of the “cosplay scene”?
The cosplay scene has changed greatly from when I first started. When I started, there were more adults and people that made their own props and costumes. Now I see many younger people in costumes with a variety of props and costumes. It could also seem that way because I’ve gotten older, haha! On the other hand, the conventions and anime themselves have greatly changed from the early 2000s, so of course of the crowd of cosplayers would change too. It’s become definitely more mainstream and easily accessible. It’s great that many more people are becoming interested in something that was before seen as more “geeky.”
What are some of the things you want to see change in the scene?
I do wish that some of the younger-minded cosplayers in the convention scene would conduct themselves in a more seemingly fashion. I know a few more mature-minded cosplayers that stopped attending gatherings and such because they didn’t respect the misdirected attitude of “younger” cosplayers. That is to say that not all younger cosplayers misbehave, but in general, it does seem to be the younger people in the scene that cuts a little too free?
What is some advice you could give people starting to get into cosplay?
I understand that cons are often the only break in a more mundane life and sometimes the only times you get to see friends, etc, but there are some common courtesies that seem to be falling by the wayside. How we show ourselves in a public setting reflects back for all cosplayers, not just themselves. Make sure to pick up your own trash and not scream loudly in public. Also stealing from vendors who have taken time out of their schedules and pockets to come to your convention is a big no. It’s rude and reflects badly on us as a scene and as a convention. In short, it’s great to be in character, but running into the street or climbing on other people’s cars is going too far. Please respect your surroundings and people around you!
What are some of your favorite conventions you’ve attended and why?
Anime Expo was always really fun for me. I know it’s gotten a bad rep lately, but I’ve always had fun. Granted, I’ve always been surrounded by awesome people at that convention so that’s always helped. I’m a big believer that you can always have fun at a con, as long as you approach it correctly. Always be willing to have fun and meet new people, otherwise you’ll have no fun and make no new friends.
Give a random fact about one of your costumes that you’re proud of!
I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. I’m pretty proud of all of my costumes! Well, except the ones I did last minute, and I’m still kind of proud of them too, haha.
Thanks for the interview, Hyori! You can see more of her work on her Deviantart!