The entire staff of Anime Jam Session is deeply saddened by the catastrophes that happened in Japan this past weekend. We here are each donating $10 to the relief efforts and we ask that you help join in the cause!
- Send a text to your cellphone to donate and it will be put on your next billing cycle:
- US: Text REDCROSS to 90999 or JAPAN to 50555 – $10 donation to the relief efforts
- Canada: text 30333 – $5 donation to the relief efforts
- Visit one of these sites:
- American Red Cross Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Fund
- Canadian Red Cross Japan Earthquake/Asia-Pacific Tsunami Relief Fund
- Salvation Army Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief
- Canadian Salvation Army Japan Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund
- Save the Children Japan Earthquake Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund
- International Medical Corps Emergency Relief Fund
- Global Giving Japan Earthquake And Tsunami Relief Fund
- Japanese Red Cross Donation Efforts
- Felis Restaurant and Lounge Relief Fund
- Doctors Without Borders Japan Relief Fund
- The staff over at Henshin Justice United have a link to a donation site where you can chip in! More info here –
- Over at American Cosplay Paradise, they have a donation drive going too –
If you have any links to other sites that are also taking donations, let us know at! If the site is legit, we will add them! If you are going to Zenkaikon this weekend, they will be having a donation drive so please chip in!
And if you’re on Twitter, we ask that you retweet posts about donation efforts and if you’re on Facebook, to share posts. Thanks!