On tonight’s show, we’re talking Anime Expo! DJ Ranma S, Mako-chan, and Ari Rockefeller discuss some of the news that came out over weekend such as Bayonetta, Mighty No. 9, Panty & Stocking, and with baited breath… Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon! Outside of that we talk about a UFC fighter’s love for Dragon Ball Z, […]
Posts Tagged ‘Viz’

Episode #171 – It’s a Magical Girl Kinda Thing.

On this week’s show, we kick things off, senshi style! Special Guest Cosplayer ChibiTifa will be joining DJ Ranma S, Mako-chan, and Ari Rockefeller for some extra sass! Then we kick things into high gear with all of our Sailor Moon news! First, a brand new podcast in the works, followed by Ranma’s review of […]

Sailor Moon Crystal Trailer

No need to intro this… It’s the Sailor Moon Crystal trailer! Check it out!

Episode #165 – All Hail Her Majesty, the One and Only, Sailor Moon!

It’s our Sailor Moon Podcast Special! Most if not, ALL of your questions are answered! Join DJ Ranma S, Mako-chan, and Ari Rockefeller, with special guest Scarlet from Scarlet Rhapsody as they go through all of the news from Anime Central and they give their take and reactions! As they discuss things, the team discuss […]

Sailor Moon is Back!

What has to be the biggest rumor of the anime industry is that FUNimation is currently sitting on the license to Sailor Moon and they were just waiting to make the big announcement. Some conventions have even said that they are the license holders. But today at Anime Central, that rumor has been officially squashed! […]