On this week’s show, we intervew Christa Morris, the genius behind The Cosplay Studio Project. We then follow up talk about CLAMP who said they wouldn’t mind a remake of Card Captor Sakura, and the team talks about animes they’d like to see a reboot o…
Posts Tagged ‘podcasting’
Anime Jam Session #117 – From Denver to Jersey… That’s Quite a Stretch!

This week’s podcast was to discuss Denver Comic Con and AnimeNEXT. Due to audio recording difficulties, the part on DCC was not recorded, alogn with a certain part on AnimeNEXT. The podcast was edited together to discuss the rest of the weekend, alon…
Anime Jam Session #116 – And So, It Begins!

This week, we bring on special guest Elly Winters, webmistress from Miss Dream Subs (www.missdream.org)! She brings us all the great news about the new SeraMyu musical! Ranma brings to the table information about a new maid cafe in NYC. We then disc…
Anime Jam Session #115 – Podcast… COUNTER!

So last week our own DJ Ranma S calls into the Black Girl Nerd podcast about racism and cosplaying. After listening to their podcast, he needed to get some things off his chest and pretty much counter their podcast, explain things that he felt were ha…
Anime Jam Session #114 – Classy Podcast is Classy.

The team sits down and interviews up and coming voice actor Mario Bueno. After that, it becomes a podcast roundtable of articles about Anime Boston cancelling the dance… A discussion about the cosplay culture in Japan, the 10th anniversary of Saint …