As I was traveling to Big Apple Ponycon on that cold Saturday Morning, there were many things that went through my mind, but the one thing that I couldn’t stop thinking about is how the “My Little Pony” fandom of today is similar to the Anime Fandom of the Late 90s – Early 2000s. During […]
Posts Tagged ‘pinkie pie’
All Hail the Small Convention: An Introspective look at the inaugural Big Apple Ponycon.

BroNYcon 2012: 4,000 Stories frozen in time

And now, a special BroNYCon convention report from Linwood Knight from The Outhouse Podcast! As I sit down in front of my computer, the question that continues to be on my mind is “What makes a Convention” a Convention? The Dictionary has many meanings of the word, but the one that is closest to what […]

Editorial: Brohoof, or How I Stopped Freaking Out and Started Accepting the Fandom

When I went to BroNYCon, one of the most popular questions asked was “How did you get into MLP?” Truth be told, I could not answer that because I really could not remember. I said something along the lines of “I don’t really remember, but I think I kept hearing about it from friends and […]