Evangelion singer Yoko Takahashi cancels concert appearance over AI, the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba musical gets international release through Crunchyroll, and Akiba Maid War announces a popup cafe in LA! After that bit of news, DJ Ranma S and Ari Rockefeller sit down and review Shenanicon, a 21+ anime and pop culture convention in […]
Posts Tagged ‘museum’

#539: Let The Con Season Begin…

Toonami turns 25, with more FLCL! Also, Dragon Ball Super movie is delayed, Pokémon fossil exhibit opens at the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, and Netflix announces TEKKEN: Bloodline! Plus, Tamashii Nations Tokyo(魂ネイションズTOKYO) movies into the former Gundam Café, and Maybelline releases a Pikachu makeup collection! Meanwhile in Japan, a man arrested for threatening SEGA 12 times, the plus side of returning lost wallets, and crowdfunding for pants that […]