Cowboy Bebop live action intro and the plotline of the live action series, second Death Note live action movie will deal with fans issues, and we get a Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid game! Also Hayao Miyazaki art exhibit in LA, the cast behind the Super Mario Bros film (and no one is happy), and a […]
Posts Tagged ‘DeathNote’

Episode #153 – And Now for Something Completely Different!

DJ Ranma S, Ari Rockefeller, and Mako-chan talk about the craze of marshmallow and other chubby girl jpop groups, Bandai dropping C&Ds into China, Deathnote returns and updates on the Bubblegum Crisis bluray! Also, the top 10 video games with anime art, live action Detective Conan, MLP guest voicing, and should there be a label […]

Episode #144: The End is Nigh for 2013!

The staff discusses an upcoming Sants Claus anime on Kickstarter, along with the engagement of Ayumi Hamasaki to a UCLA medical student? Someone is finally arrested in the Kuroko Basketball threats, more collusion to the new Avengers anime is Pokemon! Ring in the new year with Evangelion champagne! Seven animes that take place in America, […]