It wasn’t exactly the Amish Paradise that had been sung about in days gone by, but it was as close to excitement as we were going to get out of Lancaster county, I believed. But then again, my opinion is probably colored by the pop culture depiction of Pennsylvania Dutch country, so maybe I’m not […]
Posts Tagged ‘convention’

Posing for Photography – Fashion Modeling Posing for Beginners Tutorial

I found an amazing series of tutorials on modeling for photos that I felt could work well for cosplayers! This tutorial is created by PhotoandGrime and is exceptionally helpful by breaking down how poses appear on film versus how they’re done!

Episode 295 : MAGFest 2017… WHAT A RUSH!!!

Back from holiday break! Join DJ Ranma S and Ari Rockefeller as they talk about MAGFest 2016! And wrapping things up in Strange News From Japan, a man rearrested for stealing information to take pictures of women’s underwear, PPAP is parodied by a respectfed National Theater, and Nintendo is not a part of the Tokyo […]
Otakon 2016 – Goodnight, Lord Baltimore, Wherever You Are

Everyone winds up leaving home after long enough, and while that may come sooner or later for some people, this convention is leaving its long-established home and going outside its deeply rooted venue in Baltimore.

Episode 277 – The Final Otakon… In Baltimore…

On tonight’s show, we’re talking Otakon! Join the whole cast and crew as they talk about the good and bad times, and the wonderful experiences of this con! And if time permits, we news about Ranma ½, PaRappa the Rapper, the final attendance numbers of Comiket, and how to get doujins from 7-ELEVEN! In our […]